Recently, teacher Shi Jun Guo of our college and his collaborators have Published a research paper in the Management and Organization Review(the International Society of Management in China in famous journals, paid close attention to the economic development problems of emerging economies,and have a reputation in the field of economic management,is a three-star journal in a guide to high-quality academic journals published by the British Business School Association.)The title of the paper is “Joint Effects of Ownership and Competition on the Relationship between Innovation and Productivity:Application of the CDM Model to the Chinese Manufacturing Sector”.
This paper, based on the data and CDM model of large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in China, examines the innovation performance of different ownership enterprises at different stages of the innovation chain of "innovation input-innovation output-productivity improvement ", and uses DNA metaphors. It explains the heterogeneity in innovation chain between different ownership enterprises. It is found that state-owned enterprises are more active in making innovation decisions and increasing innovation input, but their innovation output and labor productivity are relatively low. The labor productivity of foreign-funded enterprises is relatively high, but in the first three stages of the "innovation-productivity" chain, its activity is low. The results also show that market competition is beneficial to state-owned enterprises to produce more innovative products, and the labor productivity of foreign-funded enterprises is higher when operating in the centralized market.
Jiangsu University Industrial Economics Research Institute has been committed to the reform and innovation of state-owned enterprises. The publication of this achievement is of great significance for deepening the understanding of the reform of state-owned enterprises and evaluating the policy of "market for technology" and so on.
Paper link: